Directions to the Office

191 Roswell Street, Marietta, GA 30060
- From the "Big Chicken" - Travel west on Roswell Street towards the square. The office will be on the right, next to the public safety building (Superior Court).
- From Atlanta - North on I-75 to exit 263. Take the Marietta/Southern Poly ramp off of that exit. This will merge you onto 120 Loop (Marietta Parkway). Turn Right on 41 (Cobb Parkway). Make a left at the "Big Chicken." See above.
- From the North - South on I-75 to exit 267-b. Veer left in the ramp and merge onto Church Street passing by Kennestone Hospital. Make a left on South Park Square and pass by the courthouses leaving the square. The office is on the left.
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